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About Us

About Us: Portfolio

Our Mission

Our mission as a church is to proclaim to all God's salvation in Jesus Christ. We give glory to Christ through worship and fellowship, encouraging one another in faith, hope and love, 1 Corinthians 13:13, and serving our neighbors with compassion and justice. ​


Our Vision

We belong to the United Church of Christ. As a congregation we have autonomy to govern our local church, and prayerfully to make the best decisions we can on how to live out our calling as believers. Each person is charged with the freedom and responsibility of discerning before God how faith in Jesus Christ impacts their daily walk and world view. We respect one another's differences because even though we are diverse, we are together members of Christ's body. 

We look forward to welcoming you. Peace to you in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.


We believe in Jesus Christ, God's only son and our savior, who lived among us to teach us and die for us. He rose again to give us the promise of eternal life in him, John 3:16. He gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is God dwelling in us, John 14:15-17. We trust in God's Word in the Bible, calling it authoritative and the foundation of our faith.

Our worship contains a mix of traditional and contemporary music to engage us in giving God glory. Morning messages are drawn from God's Word in scripture, often a sermon series delving in depth through a book of the Bible. Each week there is a time for children with their own message relating to the morning's theme.


Leadership Team

Rev. Mary Ellen Hoffman


Aubrey Woods

Minister of Music

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©2021 First Congregational Church of Claridon

13942 Mayfield Road  |  Huntsburg, Ohio 44046

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